Your Visit

Your visit will involve an examination (~30 minutes) where information will be gathered and tests will be performed to diagnose the problem.  Treatment options will then be discussed.  Unless you request otherwise at the time of scheduling, treatment (~45-90 minutes) will usually begin immediately following the examination and can often be completed at your first visit.  Multiple appointments may be needed if you have an infection, complex treatment needs, or if you need endodontic surgery.


  • All patients under age 18 must be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian.
  • If you require antibiotic premedication prior to dental treatment due to artificial joints, heart defects, or another medical condition, please ensure you have the necessary prescription and take as prescribed before your appointment.


Preparing for Your Visit:

  • Please bring the referral form provided by your dentist (if you were given a brochure from your dentist, this is located on the back cover of the brochure).
  • Please bring a form of picture identification and your dental insurance card, if applicable.
  • Registration forms can be completed at our office or you may download them here and bring the completed forms to your appointment (only complete page 3 if more space is needed than what is available on the Health History form on page 2).
  • For your health and safety, please provide an accurate and complete medical history.  This should include a list of the name, dose, and reason for taking any medication (prescription, over-the-counter, herbal, or nutritional supplement).
  • You may download a copy of our Notice of Privacy Practices here, if you desire.


General Instructions:

  • Since your treatment will be completed using local anesthesia, there are no restrictions related to food or liquids prior to your visit.  Eat normally and take all medications as prescribed by your physician without altering your normal routine.
  • If a surgical procedure is performed, please make arrangements to rest from normal activities (e.g., work, other responsibilities, exercise, etc.) for 24 hours.
  • Good oral hygiene speeds recovery and improves healing results.  Please brush and floss thoroughly immediately before your visit and maintain good hygiene thereafter.